Public Domain GIFs from the OKFestival 2014 Workshop
A selection of animated GIFs created as part of a workshop we ran at OKFestival 2014 in Berlin along with Kati Hyyppä and Sanna Marttila. See the rest here, and feel free to add more!
By Kati - Sources: Plan 9 from Outer Space (1959) movie and a print of Flemish mask design (1555), Rijksmuseum
The ascent of Mrs. Graham with the Royal Victoria Balloon. August 9th, 1837 - Source: the second volume of William Upcott’s scrapbook of early aeronautica.
Sending my “love!” - Source: Practical Medical Anatomy
Now I’m the king of the GIFs… :D - Source: Figure 18 from Charles Darwin's The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals
By Junfeng Ding - Source: Cartoon Portraits and Biographical Sketches of Men of the Day (1873)
Sullivan vs. Sullivan by Niklas - Source: The Public Domain Review I, II / The Digital Comic Museum (Battle Stories 001 / America’s Greatest Comic 002)
By Kati - Source: Arent van Bolten’s Grotesques, Rijksmuseum, early 17th century
Mihai Viteazul szobor going crazy, by Joris - Source: Postcard from Europeana
Oct 20, 2014