Browsing: Shop / Fine Art Prints / Wrestlers
Image Size
Paper Type
Premium fine art paper: 100% cotton, acid-free, archival
Frame Type
Museum quality Giclée print
Premium fine art paper, 100% cotton, acid-free, archival
1" border
Image Size: 9" x 11.5" – Total Size: 11" x 13.5"
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Working for many years with the European photographers Felice Beato and Baron Raimund von Stillfried as a photographic colourist and assistant, in 1881 the Japanese photographer Kusakabe Kimbei finally opened his own workshop in the Benten-d-ri quarter of Yokohama. He'd soon establish himself as one of the most respected and successful Japanese photographers of his generation, opening another studio in Yokohama's Honmachi quarter 1889, and also a branch in the Ginza quarter of Tokyo. (Image source: The Getty)