Search The Public Domain Review
Jean Baptiste Vérany’s Chromolithographs of Cephalopods (1851)
C. P. Cranch’s Very Literal Illustrations of Emerson’s Nature (ca. 1837–39)
Dentologia: A Poem on the Diseases of the Teeth (1833)
Fraktur Folk Art (ca. 1750–1820)
Cultus Arborum: A Descriptive Account of Phallic Tree Worship (1890)
“March of Intellect” Cartoons (1828–29)
Law and Ordure: Scatalogic Rites of All Nations (1891)
Levi Walter Yaggy’s Geographical Maps and Charts (1887/93)
James Ensor, The Deadly Sins (ca. 1904)
Frost Flowers on the Windows (1899)
The Procession of the Months (ca. 1889)
Ellen Harding Baker's “Solar System” Quilt (1876–ca. 1883)
A Bestiary of Loss
Wheels Within Wheels: The “Flammarion Engraving” (ca. 1888)
Shadows from the Walls of Death (1874)
Synaesthesia’s Colour Debut (1883)
Fungi Collected in Shropshire and Other Neighbourhoods (1860–1902)
The Blood Collages of John Bingley Garland (ca. 1850–60)
Phantom Bouquets: Two Books on the Art of Skeleton Leaves (1864)
Visualising Bubbles (1500–1906)
Agnes Giberne’s The Story of the Sun, Moon, and Stars (1898)
Shores of the Polar Sea (1878)
Unai no tomo: Catalogues of Japanese Toys (1891–1923)
Portrait of Charlotte du Val d’Ognes (1801)
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