Search The Public Domain Review
Many-Colored Misdirection: Concealing-Coloration in the Animal Kingdom (1909)
John H. White’s Photographs of Black Chicago for DOCUMERICA (1973–74)
James Ensor, The Deadly Sins (ca. 1904)
Art Brut: The Scare-Fox (1910)
The Book of Bread (1903)
Mighty Mikko: A Book of Finnish Fairy Tales and Folk Tales (1922)
A Bestiary of Loss
The Tanzmasken of Lavinia Schulz and Walter Holdt (ca. 1924)
Floating Phantoms: A. G. Mayer’s Medusae of the World (1910)
Playing Indian: Cummings’ Indian Congress at Coney Island (1903)
Black Bibliography: Daniel Murray’s Preliminary List (1900)
“Mother Will Be Pleased”: How It Feels to Be Run Over (1900)
The Turns of the Turnverein: Heinrich Hamann’s Gymnastic Photographs (ca. 1902)
The Kumatologist: Vaughan Cornish’s Wave Studies (1910–14)
Howard Pyle's The Mermaid (1910)
Visualising Bubbles (1500–1906)
It Started with Muybridge (1964)
Agnes Giberne’s The Story of the Sun, Moon, and Stars (1898)
Unai no tomo: Catalogues of Japanese Toys (1891–1923)
The Discarnates: Thomas Carlyle in the Spirit-World (1920)
Fearful Symmetry: Inkblot Books (1857–1915)
Earthen Messages: Nikola Tesla in his Laboratory (ca. 1899)
Arthur Wesley Dow’s Floating World: Composition (1905 edition)
Unnatural Selection: Emil Schachtzabel’s Pigeon Prachtwerk (1906)
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