style – Book Illustration
- Noctua, Corvus, Crater, Sextans Uraniae, Hydra, Felis, Lupus, Centaurus, Antlia Pneumatica, Argo Navis, and Pyxis Nautica Sidney Hall, ca. 1825
- Draco and Ursa Minor Sidney Hall, ca. 1825
- Gemini Sidney Hall, ca. 1825
- Aries and Musca Borealis Sidney Hall, ca. 1825
- Leo Major and the Leo Minor Sidney Hall, ca. 1825
- Perseus and the Caput Medusae Sidney Hall, ca. 1825
- Canis Major, Lepus, Columba Noachi and the Cela Sculptoris Sidney Hall, ca. 1825
- Virgo Sidney Hall, ca. 1825
- Monoceros, Canis Minor and Atelier Typographique Sidney Hall, ca. 1825
- Sagittarius and Corona Australis, Microscopium and Telescopium Sidney Hall, ca. 1825
- Scorpio Sidney Hall, ca. 1825
- "And so on to infinity…” Robert Fludd, 1617
- Female Figure with Large Hat Aubrey Beardsley (imitator of), ca. 1890–1900
- Enter Herodias Aubrey Beardsley, 1894
- The Climax Aubrey Beardsley, 1894
- Isolde Aubrey Beardsley, 1895
- The Black Cat Aubrey Beardsley, 1901
- Yggdrasill: The Mundane Tree Finnur Magnússon, 1859
- Eclipse of the Sun by the Earth as Seen from the Moon James Nasmyth, ca. 1873
- Goethe Colour Chart Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, 1810
- Two Owls Julie de Graag, 1921
- Gnashing its Teeth, and Flashing Fire Harry Clarke, 1919
- They Swarmed Upon Me in Ever-Accumulating Heaps Harry Clarke, 1919
- Dr. Zane's Antidote - A Sure Cure for Drunkeness Peter S. Duval, ca. 1864