Despotism (1946)
"You can roughly locate any community in the world somewhere along a scale running all the way from democracy to despotism", so begins this short from Encyclopaedia Britannica Films, published a year after the end of the Second World War. The film goes on to illustrate (with some wonderful graphics, archive clips, and reconstructions) the idea that despotism has two chief characteristics — restricted respect and concentrated power.
A very interesting film that has one major flaw. Distraction rather than control is the key to the Despotism of Huxley's "Brave New World". The information scale is pushed through the roof to the point of trivialization which paradoxically results in the *quality* of the information going through the floor. Critical thinking is crippled not so much by control but by overload.
See its companion film Democracy, released a year earlier, here. And here's some further reading in the form of Hannah Arendt's The Origins of Totalitarianism.
Feb 2, 2017