John Margolies’ Photographs of Roadside America
The culture of the American road has been much celebrated — and much criticized. Lawrence Ferlinghetti saw the rise of the automobile and the construction of the interstate system (which began in the 1950s) as a new form of punishment inflicted on the populace. Driving in their cars, “strung-out citizens” were now
The architectural critic and photographer John Margolies (1940–2016), on the other hand, saw there could also be home-made beauty in the buildings and signs locals built on the American roadside. For almost forty years, he documented the most remarkable examples he found, publishing some of his discoveries in books and consigning the rest to an archive, which has now been purchased by the Library of Congress who, in a wonderfully gracious move, have lifted all copyright restrictions on the photographs (though art works shown in some photographs may still be under copyright).
Almost all of Margolies’ work was done in the interest of preserving images of what would otherwise be lost to time. Even his first book, published in 1981, was elegiacally called The End of the Road: Vanishing Highway Architecture in America. From the start, Margolies knew the quirky motels, miniature golf courses, diners, billboards, and gas stations were being endangered by franchising and changing fashions — not to mention changing patterns of automobile traffic. (For decades now, most drivers have, of course, opted for the high speed-limits of superhighways and the convenience of service areas, leaving the old local highways in the lurch.)
Today, this collection of Marogolies’ photographs offers an invaluable tour of the diverse vernacular architecture and signage of North America. Some of these wonders remain, while others have gone the way of the dinosaur — which, as it happens, remains one of the American roadside’s most frequent denizens.
You can view all 11,710 of the colour slides in hi-res digitisations on the Library of Congress, and also a slightly lower-res but easy-to-browse selection of 1,555 on Flickr: The Commons.
World's largest buffalo (46' long, 26' high, 60 tons), Jamestown, North Dakota; 1990.
Peach water tower, Frontage Road, Gaffney, South Carolina; 1988.
Hat n' Boots gas station, Route 99, Seattle, Washington; 1980.
St. Joseph Auto and Furniture Fabric slip cover sign, Saint Joseph, Missouri; 1988.
The Nat Ballroom, 6th & McMaster's, Amarillo, Texas; 1977.
Rawhide City billboard, I-94, Mandan, North Dakota; 1980.
Indian Trading Post, Route 66, Elk City, Oklahoma; 1982.
Wall Drug final billboard, Wall, South Dakota; 1987.
Terrace Drive-In Theater, Terrace Way, Bakersfield, California; 1987.
Atomic Signs sign, Route 550, Farmington, New Mexico; 1980.
Budget Lodge Motel sign, Route 1, Port of Palm Beach, Palm Beach, Florida; 1990.
The Donut Hole, straight-on view, no cars, Amar Road, La Puente, California; 1991.
Dino skeleton view 1, Flintstone's Bedrock City, Rts. 64 and 180, Valle, Arizona; 1987.
Muffler Man II, Meineke Discount Mufflers, Charleston Avenue and D Street, West Columbia, South Carolina; 1988.
Aztec Motel, diagonal view 2, Route 66, Albuquerque, New Mexico; 2003.
Wigwam Village #6, Route 66, Holbrook, Arizona; 1979.
Ko-Ko-Mo Dine In Your Car sign, Routes 79 & 80, Bossier City, Louisiana; 1979.
Hoot Owl Cafe, horizontal view, 8711 Long Beach Boulevard, Southgate, Los Angeles, California; 1977.
Roadside flamingo statue, Frog City, Route 41, Florida; 1980.
Serra Motel sign, Old Route 101, Gilroy, California; 1991.
Thunderbeast Park, platybelodon's eye, Route 97, Chiloquin, Oregon; 1987.
Aug 29, 2019