Search The Public Domain Review
The Drift of Things: David Goodman Croly’s Glimpses of the Future (1888)
Gustatory Wisdom: Bruegel the Elder’s Twelve Proverbs (1558)
What Is It Like to Be a Bass? Fish-Eye View Photography (1919–22)
Reality Iced: Robert J. Flaherty’s Nanook of the North (1922)
Pied Beauty: Wari Tie-Dye Textiles (ca. 425–1100)
George Baxter’s Print of Crystal Palace Dinosaurs (ca. 1854)
Peckish Alphabetics: The Tragical Death of a Apple-Pye (ca. 1793–1796)
A Wetted Beak: Engravings from Pauline Knip’s Les Pigeons (1811)
Piled High: 17th-Century Dutch Banquet Scenes
Happy Together: The Laughing Prince: A Book of Jugoslav Fairy Tales and Folk Tales (1921)
Alfred G. Mayer’s On the Color and Color-Patterns of Moths and Butterflies (1897)
Perpetual Movement: Francis Picabia’s 391 Review (1917–1924)
“How He Came to Life One Day”: Photographs of Snowmen (1854–1950)
True Crime: Allan Pinkerton’s Thirty Years a Detective (1884)
Fantastic Planet: The Microscopy Album of Marinus Pieter Filbri (1887–88)
Diagramming Dante: Michelangelo Caetani’s Maps of the Divina Commedia (1855/1872)
Karel Čapek’s Letters from England (1925)
Christoph Jamnitzer’s Neuw Grotteßken Buch (1610)
Aphrodisiacs and Anti-Aphrodisiacs (1869)
“Light from the Darkness”: Paul Nash’s Genesis (1924)
Anton Seder’s The Animal in Decorative Art (1896)
Sabine Baring-Gould’s Book of Were-Wolves (1865)
Etching of a Sámi Drum from the Dutch Edition of Johannes Schefferus’ Lapponia (1682)
Vanity of Vanities: Fool’s Cap Map of the World (ca. 1585)
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