Search The Public Domain Review
Leaving the Opera in the Year 2000
Anthropomorphic Maps of Europe at War (1870/1914)
Selection from Wellcome Library’s release of 100k openly licensed images
The British Library’s “Mechanical Curator” million
Edward Lear’s Walk on a Windy Day (1860)
The Coronation of King Ladislaus of Poland (1633)
Illustrations from a Victorian book on Magic (1897)
Medical Imagery of the 15th Century
Jehan Cousin’s Livre de Pourtraiture (1608)
Illustrations from The Six Voyages of John Baptista Tavernier (1678)
Engravings from Oliver Goldsmith’s History of the Earth and Animated Nature (1825)
A Pictorial History of Santa Claus
Illustrations from a Chapbook on Robinson Crusoe (ca. 1800)
Plates from a History of the Carriby Islands (1666)
Illustrations from Vincenzo Requeno's Discovery of Chironomia (1797)
The Calaveras of José Guadalupe Posada
Coloured plates from Gautier D'Agoty's Essai d’Anatomie (1745)
Woodcuts from 18th-Century Chapbooks
16th-century Prosthetics (1564)
Illustrated initials from a German fairytale book (1919 edition)
German Folk Dress (1887)
Cartoon Portraits of Leading 19th-Century Figures (1873)
Olympic Diving Diagrams (1912)
J. J. Grandville’s Illustrations from The Flowers Personified (1847)
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