Search The Public Domain Review
The Man Who Recovered the Use of His Tongue, after Four Years Dumb, by means of a Frightful Dream (1747)
A Treatise on Adulteration of Food and Culinary Poisons (1820)
The Physiognomy of Hands (1917)
Tractatus de Herbis (ca.1440)
Arthur Coga’s Blood Transfusion (1667)
The Nitrous Oxide Experiments of Humphry Davy
Portraits of Patients from Surrey County Asylum (ca.1855)
A Relation of an Extraordinary Sleepy Person (ca.1698)
Selection from Wellcome Library’s release of 100k openly licensed images
Fortunio Liceti’s Monsters (1665)
Ernst Haeckel’s Radiolaria (1862)
The Belly of a Horse (1820)
Pollen Up Close (1837)
The Corset X-Rays of Dr Ludovic O’Followell (1908)
Johann Remmelin's Anatomical ‘Flap’ Book (1667)
Illustrations from a Victorian book on Magic (1897)
Magic: Stage Illusions and Scientific Diversions (1897)
The Hasheesh Eater (1857)
Phrenology Diagrams from Vaught’s Practical Character Reader (1902)
Vaught’s Practical Character Reader (1902)
Medical Imagery of the 15th Century
Endless Amusement (1820)
Sir Isaac Newton’s Daniel and the Apocalypse (1733)
Popular Scientific Recreations (1883 edition)
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