Search The Public Domain Review
Transference of Thoughts (1885)
The Art of Dreams
Account of an Extraordinary Fireball Bursting at Sea (1749)
The Man With The Rubber Head (1902)
The Dream-God, or A Singular Evolvement of Thought in Sleep (1873)
The Expositor, or Many Mysteries Unravelled - including that of the Learned Pig (1805)
The Man Who Recovered the Use of His Tongue, after Four Years Dumb, by means of a Frightful Dream (1747)
Living Lights: a Popular Account of Phosphorescent Animals and Vegetables (1887)
A Relation of an Extraordinary Sleepy Person (ca.1698)
Phenomena of Materialisation (1923)
An Account of a Fire-Ball, Seen at Hornsey, by William Hirst (1753)
Some Account of a Sheep Having a Monstrous Horn Growing from His Throat (1755)
The Dream of Mrs L.L. Nicholson from Oakland, California (1924)
Mythical Monsters (1886)
Uriah Jewett and the Sea Serpent of Lake Memphemagog (1917)
Cat and bird stories from the “Spectator” (1896)
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