Search The Public Domain Review
Superstitions About Animals (1904)
Across the Zodiac: the Story of a Wrecked Record (1880)
Hydriotaphia/Urn-Burial and The Garden of Cyrus (1658)
Horse Laughs (1891)
Pirates (1922)
The Last American (1889)
The Danger of Premature Interment (1816)
English As She Is Spoke (1884)
The Book of Topiary (1904)
Cat and bird stories from the “Spectator” (1896)
The Adventures of Louis de Rougemont (1899)
Wonderful Balloon Ascents (1870)
Infant’s Cabinet of Birds and Beasts (1820)
Armata: a fragment (1817)
Letters From A Cat (1879)
Quarles’ Emblems (1886)
The Medical Aspects of Death, and the Medical Aspects of the Human Mind (1852)
An Account of the Late Improvements in Galvanism (1803)
Old French Fairytales, illustrated by Virginia Frances Sterrett (1920)
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