Search The Public Domain Review
Levi Walter Yaggy’s Geographical Maps and Charts (1887/93)
John H. White’s Photographs of Black Chicago for DOCUMERICA (1973–74)
James Ensor, The Deadly Sins (ca. 1904)
Battles of the Sexes: Duels between Women and Men in 1400s Fechtbücher
Art Brut: The Scare-Fox (1910)
The Procession of the Months (ca. 1889)
Ellen Harding Baker's “Solar System” Quilt (1876–ca. 1883)
A Bestiary of Loss
The Tanzmasken of Lavinia Schulz and Walter Holdt (ca. 1924)
Floating Phantoms: A. G. Mayer’s Medusae of the World (1910)
Wheels Within Wheels: The “Flammarion Engraving” (ca. 1888)
Synaesthesia’s Colour Debut (1883)
Etteilla’s Livre de Thot Tarot (ca. 1789)
Fungi Collected in Shropshire and Other Neighbourhoods (1860–1902)
Evrard d'Espinque’s Illuminations of De Proprietatibus Rerum (ca. 1480)
The Turns of the Turnverein: Heinrich Hamann’s Gymnastic Photographs (ca. 1902)
The Blood Collages of John Bingley Garland (ca. 1850–60)
Howard Pyle's The Mermaid (1910)
Visualising Bubbles (1500–1906)
Peter Fabris’ Illustrations for William Hamilton’s Campi Phlegraei (1776–79)
Unai no tomo: Catalogues of Japanese Toys (1891–1923)
Portrait of Charlotte du Val d’Ognes (1801)
Filippo Balbi’s Testa Anatomica (1854)
Alexander in the Bathysphere
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