Search The Public Domain Review
Behold the Nebulous Smear: ‘Abd al-Rahmān al-Sūfī’s Illustrated Book of Fixed Stars (ca. 1430)
A Careful Selection of Whisk Ferns (1837)
The Works of Mars (1671)
The “Madame B Album” (ca. 1870s)
Hokusai’s Illustrated Warrior Vanguard of Japan and China (1836)
The Department of Preparation: Thomas Smillie’s Photographic Survey of the Smithsonian (1890–1913)
Specimens of Fancy Turning (1869)
My Body is a Temple Four-Story House: Analogical Diagram from Tobias Cohen’s Ma’aseh Tuviyah (1708)
Unidentified Floating Object: Edo Images of Utsuro-bune
Medieval Illustrations of Bonnacons
Peking Opera Characters (ca. 1900)
Photographs of the Los Angeles Alligator Farm (ca. 1907)
Jean Baptiste Vérany’s Chromolithographs of Cephalopods (1851)
C. P. Cranch’s Very Literal Illustrations of Emerson’s Nature (ca. 1837–39)
Manhattan’s Last Arcadia: Estate Plans from the Index of American Design (1936)
Fraktur Folk Art (ca. 1750–1820)
Martin Frobenius Ledermüller’s Microscopic Delights (1759–63)
Beetle Carapaces in Basohli Miniature Paintings (ca. 1660–1700)
Atlas of the Munsell Color System (1915)
“March of Intellect” Cartoons (1828–29)
Dool-Hoff: A Dutch Maze with New Jerusalem at its Centre (1705)
Levi Walter Yaggy’s Geographical Maps and Charts (1887/93)
John H. White’s Photographs of Black Chicago for DOCUMERICA (1973–74)
James Ensor, The Deadly Sins (ca. 1904)
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