Search The Public Domain Review
Hokusai’s Illustrated Warrior Vanguard of Japan and China (1836)
The Department of Preparation: Thomas Smillie’s Photographic Survey of the Smithsonian (1890–1913)
Specimens of Fancy Turning (1869)
Unidentified Floating Object: Edo Images of Utsuro-bune
Peking Opera Characters (ca. 1900)
Jean Baptiste Vérany’s Chromolithographs of Cephalopods (1851)
C. P. Cranch’s Very Literal Illustrations of Emerson’s Nature (ca. 1837–39)
Fraktur Folk Art (ca. 1750–1820)
“March of Intellect” Cartoons (1828–29)
Levi Walter Yaggy’s Geographical Maps and Charts (1887/93)
James Ensor, The Deadly Sins (ca. 1904)
The Procession of the Months (ca. 1889)
Ellen Harding Baker's “Solar System” Quilt (1876–ca. 1883)
A Bestiary of Loss
Wheels Within Wheels: The “Flammarion Engraving” (ca. 1888)
Synaesthesia’s Colour Debut (1883)
Fungi Collected in Shropshire and Other Neighbourhoods (1860–1902)
The Blood Collages of John Bingley Garland (ca. 1850–60)
Visualising Bubbles (1500–1906)
Unai no tomo: Catalogues of Japanese Toys (1891–1923)
Portrait of Charlotte du Val d’Ognes (1801)
Filippo Balbi’s Testa Anatomica (1854)
Orra White Hitchcock’s Scientific Illustrations for the Classroom (1828–40)
The Stream of Time (1803–58)
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