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Print from Los Caprichos (The Whims), a set of 80 visionary prints from Goya's middle period (ca. 1797) condemning the foibles and follies of civilized society. Francisco José de Goya y Lucientes (1746–1828) was one of the most important Spanish artists of all time, often thought of as the last of the Old Masters and the first of the moderns. (Image source: Rijksmuseum)
- A Monumental Portrait of a Monkey "Stipple Master"
- Plate 38, Peromedusae Ernst Haeckel
- Plate 57, cirripedia Ernst Haeckel
- Natural History of Carolina, Florida and the Bahama Islands, v2. Tab 18 Mark Catesby
- Actinologia Britannica, Plate VI Philip Henry Gosse
- Radula of Whelk Arthur E. Smith
- Plate 65, Florideae Ernst Haeckel
- Great Barrier Reef Alcyonaria William Saville-Kent