Search The Public Domain Review
Images from William Saville-Kent’s The Great Barrier Reef of Australia (1893)
Hamonshu: A Japanese Book of Wave and Ripple Designs (1903)
Ernst Haeckel’s Jellyfish
The Model Book of Calligraphy (1561–1596)
On the Disposition of Iron in Variegated Strata (1868)
William Sharp’s Chromolithographs of The Great Water Lily (1854)
Growing Things: A Film Lesson in “Nature Study” (1928)
The Strange Adventures of a Pebble (1921)
Miniatures from a 12th-century Medical and Herbal Collection
Illustrations from a Descriptive Iconography of Cacti (1841)
Album of Seaweed Pictures (1848)
Celestial Phenomenon Over Nuremberg, April 14th, 1561
Sun Dials and Roses of Yesterday (1902)
The American Woods
Phenomena Over and Under the Earth (1878)
Francis Bacon on Gardens (1902)
Cyanotypes of British Algae by Anna Atkins (1843)
The Art of Ornamental Orange Peeling (1910)
Watercolours from a 16th-Century De Materia Medica
In the Gloaming - American Quartet (1910)
“Plantscapes” from Kerner von Marilaun’s Pflanzenleben (1887)
Nature Through Microscope and Camera (1909)
Tractatus de Herbis (ca.1440)
The Home Movies of Frank Richard Oastler
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