Themed Set – Design of the Times, Most Recent Additions
- October 1904 cover for Hototogisu Asai Chû , 1905
- Dice Man Anonymous, 1590
- Night Bombshells: 105 Hirayama Fireworks Co., ca. 1883
- Night Bombshells: 65 Hirayama Fireworks Co., ca. 1883
- Night Bombshells: 89 Hirayama Fireworks Co., ca. 1883
- Night Bombshells: 95 Hirayama Fireworks Co., ca. 1883
- Night Bombshells: 94 Hirayama Fireworks Co., ca. 1883
- Night Shells: 4 Hirayama Fireworks Co., ca. 1905
- Night Shells: 2 Hirayama Fireworks Co., ca. 1905
- Night Shells: 1 Hirayama Fireworks Co., ca. 1905
- Night Shells: 3 Hirayama Fireworks Co., ca. 1905
- Chemistry of Combustion and Illumination Edward Livingston Youmans, 1856
- Young Monk in the Greek Style Ennemond Alexandre Petitot, 1771
- Bride in the Greek Style Ennemond Alexandre Petitot, 1771
- Sheperdess in the Greek Style Ennemond Alexandre Petitot, 1771
- The Habitations of the Sentient Beings According to the Burmese Anonymous, 1906
- Geometria et Perspectiva: IX Lorenz Stoer, 1567
- Optics A.D. Macquin, 1820
- The Temple of Time Emma Willard, 1846
- Chronographer of Ancient History Emma Willard, 1851
- Isochrone Map of Travel Times from Paris E. Martin and E. Chevaillier, 1882
- Chinese Bird Design Albert Racinet, 1888
- George Mayerle Test chart, Negative George Mayerle, ca. 1907
- George Mayerle Test chart, Positive George Mayerle, ca. 1907