Themed Set – Diagrams and Schemas
- Phases of the Moon from Smith's Illustrated Astronomy Asa Smith, 1849
- Frontispiece from Smith's Illustrated Astronomy Asa Smith, 1849
- Cosmic Figure Annibal Barlet, 1657
- Stars Arranged in Rings Thomas Wright, 1750
- Chemistry of Combustion and Illumination Edward Livingston Youmans, 1856
- Decomposition of Light: Structure of the Solar Rays Edward Livingston Youmans, 1856
- Three Face Types with Matching Colours D. P. G. Humbert de Superville, 1827
- The Functioning of the Eye Jan Luyken, 1682
- Ancient Courses: Mississippi River Meander Belt, Plate 22 sheet 6 Harold Fisk, 1944
- Diagram of the Macrocosm Robert Fludd, 1617
- Diagram of the Human Mind Robert Fludd, 1617
- Diagram of Sunlight in Various Stages Through a Prism Robert Fludd, 1626
- Electrical Light in Rarefied Gas M. Rapine, 1886
- Goethe Colour Chart Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, 1810
- Electrical Discharge Anonymous, 1909
- Selenographic Phases of the Moon Andreas Cellarius, 1660
- Copernican System of the Universe Andreas Cellarius, 1660
- George Mayerle Test chart, Negative George Mayerle, ca. 1907
- George Mayerle Test chart, Positive George Mayerle, ca. 1907
- Psychic Lights and Colors Edwin D. Babbitt, 1878
- Illustrations from a Lecture on Ventilation Lewis W. Leeds, 1869
- Chart of Vibrations Dr Alesha Sivartha, 1898
- Chart of the Face Dr Alesha Sivartha, 1898
- Chart of the Hand Dr Alesha Sivartha, 1898