Search The Public Domain Review
The Whims (1799) and The Follies (1815–23) of Francisco Goya
The Model Book of Calligraphy (1561–1596)
Illustrations from the Lights of Canopus (1847)
Music in the Margins: The Funeral of Reynard the Fox (13th century)
Photographs of Sea Stars (1917)
Public and Private Life of Animals (1877)
The Burning Stable (1896)
The Spinning Sow (1673)
Images from the First Colour Publication on Fish (1754)
Aratea: Making Pictures with Words in the 9th Century
The Frog (1908)
Ernst Haeckel’s Bats (1904)
Contents of an Ostrich’s Stomach (ca. 1930)
The Death and Burial of Cock Robin
The Singerie: Monkeys acting as Humans in Art
Marvels of Things Created and Miraculous Aspects of Things Existing
The Difficulty of Ruling over a Diverse Nation (1578)
Comparative Physiognomy: or, Resemblances Between Men and Animals (1852)
NYPL Release 187k Public Domain Images in Hi-Res
Robin Redbreast (1907)
The First Circus (1921)
Caw! Caw! or The Chronicle of Crows (ca. 1848)
Shells and other Marine Life from Albertus Seba’s Cabinet of Natural Curiosities (1734)
Bird Gods (1898)
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