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Shakespeare in Art
Catalogue from Belcher Mosaic Glass Co. (1886)
The Music of Light: Emily Noyes Vanderpoel’s Colour Analysis Charts (1902)
Books and Bookmen (1886)
Colour Wheels, Charts, and Tables Through History
The Butter Sculptures of Caroline S. Brooks
The Photographs of Hugo Simberg
English Book-Plates, Ancient and Modern (1893)
Poems of Shelley Illustrated by Robert Anning Bell (1902)
Artistic Creation (1901)
Highlights from Folger Shakespeare Library’s Release of almost 80,000 Images
John Wanamaker recounts a Leo Tolstoy anecdote (1908)
Women Painters of the World: from the time of Caterina Vigri to Rosa Bonheur (1905)
Account of a Very Remarkable Young Musician (1769)
A Pamphlet on Verdi (1901)
Frederick Whitney’s Blackboard Sketching (1909)
On the Writing of the Insane (1870)
The Sonnets of Michelangelo (1904 edition)
What to Draw and How to Draw It (1913)
Dances in Beauchamp-Feuillet Notation (1701)
Farmer plays a song with ‘hand-farts’ (1933)
Musaeum Clausum (1684)
A Theory of Pure Design: Harmony, Balance, Rhythm (1907)
Buffalo Dance (1894)
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