Search The Public Domain Review
James Sowerby’s British Mineralogy (1802–17)
Unnatural Selection: Emil Schachtzabel’s Pigeon Prachtwerk (1906)
Odd Showers (1870)
Lithographs from M. E. Descourtilz’s Atlas des Champignons (1827)
Festooned: Martin Gerlach’s Decorative Groupings (1897)
Albert Millican’s Travels and Adventures of an Orchid Hunter (1891)
Joseph George Strutt’s Sylva Britannica (1830 edition)
A Book of Stone: Adam Wirsing’s Marmora (1776)
En Pleine Mer: The Underwater Landscapes of Eugen von Ransonnet-Villez
Der Naturen Bloeme: The Flower of Nature (ca. 1350)
Ancient Courses: Harold Fisk’s Meander Maps of the Mississippi River (1944)
The Four Elements and Temperaments from an Album of Prints after Maerten de Vos (ca. 1583)
Erbario: a 15th-century Herbal from Northern Italy
Richard Deakin’s Flora of the Colosseum of Rome (1855)
George Perkins Marsh’s Man and Nature (1864)
Adalbert Stifter’s Rock Crystal (1846)
“Firelight Flickering on the Ceiling of the World”: The Aurora Borealis in Art
Edward Lear’s Nonsense Botany (1871–77)
Fabre’s Book of Insects (1921)
The Language of Flowers: An Alphabet of Floral Emblems (1857)
Karl Blossfeldt’s Urformen der Kunst (1928)
Plants and Their Application to Ornament (1896)
Werner’s Nomenclature of Colours (1814)
Ogawa Kazumasa’s Hand-Coloured Photographs of Flowers (1896)
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