subject – Space
- The Diversity of Infinity Thomas Wright, 1750
- Stars Arranged in Rings Thomas Wright, 1750
- Perspective View of the Visible Creation Thomas Wright, 1750
- A Finite View of Infinity Thomas Wright, 1750
- Comets from 1664 and 1665 Stanislaus Lubienietzki, 1668
- Comet Veru Anonymous, 1587
- Comet Scutella Anonymous, 1587
- Comet Pertica Anonymous, 1587
- Comet Domina Capillorum Anonymous, 1587
- Comet Gebea Anonymous, 1587
- Comet Unknown (Starburst) Anonymous, 1587
- Comet Miles Anonymous, 1587
- Comet Rosa Anonymous, 1587
- Arrival of the Martians Henrique Alvim Corrêa, 1906
- Scenes in Regent Street and Piccadilly Henrique Alvim Corrêa, 1906
- The Flood Henrique Alvim Corrêa, 1906
- Photographs of (models of) the moon (1874) Anonymous, ca. 1725
- Normal Lunar Crater James Nasmyth, ca. 1873
- Eclipse of the Sun by the Earth as Seen from the Moon James Nasmyth, ca. 1873
- Photograph of the Moon John Herschel, 1842
- Ideal Lunar Landscape James Nasmyth, ca. 1873
- Aratus' Model of the Universe Andreas Cellarius, ca. 1708
- The Solar System Adam and John Black, ca. 1885
- Celestial Chart Tobias Conrad Lotter, ca. 1772