Search The Public Domain Review
The Narrative of Henry Box Brown (1849)
Chester Harding’s My Egotistigraphy (1866)
John O. Westwood’s Facsimiles of Anglo-Saxon and Irish Manuscripts (1868)
Octave Uzanne’s “The End of Books” (1894)
The History of Burke and Hare and of the Resurrectionist Times (1884)
Edgar Allan Poe’s “The Gold-Bug” (1843)
Edward Lear’s Nonsense Botany (1871–77)
Optics Illustrations from the Physics Textbooks of Amédée Guillemin (1868/1882)
Fabre’s Book of Insects (1921)
The Language of Flowers: An Alphabet of Floral Emblems (1857)
Through the First Antarctic Night (1900)
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John Martin’s Illustrations of Paradise Lost (1827)
Agnes Catlow’s Drops of Water (1851)
Abide With Me (1914)
Plants and Their Application to Ornament (1896)
August Strindberg’s Celestographs (1893–4)
The Notre-Dame Cathedral in Art (1460–1921)
The Book of Dreams and Ghosts (1897)
Werner’s Nomenclature of Colours (1814)
Ogawa Kazumasa’s Hand-Coloured Photographs of Flowers (1896)
The Art of Book Covers (1820–1914)
Highlights from The Cleveland Museum of Art’s release of more than 30k images of public domain works
The Library of the Future: A Vision of 1983 from 1883
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