Search The Public Domain Review
Chromatic Aberrations: The Toll of the Sea (1922)
Unidentified Floating Object: Edo Images of Utsuro-bune
“When London is in Ruins”: Gustave Doré’s The New Zealander (1872)
John Uri Lloyd’s Etidorhpa (1895)
Kaspar Hauser’s Art (1828–1833)
Hans Prinzhorn’s Artistry of the Mentally Ill (1922)
The Life and Adventures of Peter Wilkins, a Cornish Man (1750)
Texts in Mathias Enard’s Compass
Edward Curtis’ Photographs of Kwakwaka’wakw Ceremonial Dress and Masks (ca. 1914)
Comparative Physiognomy: or, Resemblances Between Men and Animals (1852)
Celestial Phenomenon Over Nuremberg, April 14th, 1561
Le Voyage Dans la Lune (1902)
Sketches in Bedlam (1823)
From India to the Planet Mars (1900)
Japanese Depictions of North Americans (1860s)
Japanese Prints of Western Inventors, Artists and Scholars (1873)
Recordings of Pygmy Music from the 1946 Ogooué-Congo Mission
Letters to My Sister of our Experiences on Our First Trip to Europe, 1913
An Account of a Chinese Cabinet (1753)
The Life and Adventures of James F. O’Connell, the Tattooed Man (1845)
Conversations with Lord Byron (1824)
How I Killed the Tiger (1902)
Extracts from the Endeavour Journal of Joseph Banks (1769)
Illustrations from The Six Voyages of John Baptista Tavernier (1678)
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