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The War Art of Paul Nash (1917–1944)
The Maps of Matrakçı Nasuh, Ottoman Polymath
Arcimboldo-esque Composite Portraits of Trades (ca. 1800)
The Spinning Sow (1673)
Images from the First Colour Publication on Fish (1754)
Edward Curtis’ Photographs of Kwakwaka’wakw Ceremonial Dress and Masks (ca. 1914)
Aratea: Making Pictures with Words in the 9th Century
Images from Johann Zahn’s Oculus Artificialis (1685)
Marcus Selmer’s Photographs of 19th-Century Norwegians
Yellow Journalism: The “Fake News” of the 19th Century
A Selection from The MET’s Public Domain Collection, Now Free from All Restrictions
W. E. B. Du Bois’ Hand-Drawn Infographics of African-American Life (1900)
The City of Truth, or, Ethics (1609)
Miniatures from a 12th-century Medical and Herbal Collection
The “Living Photographs” of Mole and Thomas
The Trouvelot Astronomical Drawings (1882)
Chirologia, or The Natural Language of the Hand (1644)
Rainbows in Art
The Human Alphabet
Ernst Haeckel’s Bats (1904)
Painted Photograph of an Unknown Man (ca. 1855–70)
Pages From an Illustrated Catalogue of Period Ornaments (ca. 1919)
Illustrations from a Descriptive Iconography of Cacti (1841)
The Rowing-Bath (1916)
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