Search The Public Domain Review
The Sorceress by Jan van de Velde II (1626)
Filippo Buonanni’s Harmonic Cabinet (1722)
“A Slight Freshness on the Neck”: Prints Depicting the Execution of Louis XVI (ca. 1793)
The Four Elements and Temperaments from an Album of Prints after Maerten de Vos (ca. 1583)
Plague Doctor Costumes
Edouard Joseph d’Alton’s Illustrations of Animal Skeletons (1821–1838)
Urania’s Mirror; or, a View of the Heavens (circa 1825)
D. A. Rovinskii’s Collection of Russian Lubki (18th–19th Century)
Buffon and de Sève’s Quadrupeds (1754)
The Beast of Gévaudan (1764–1767)
Robert Fludd’s Memory Tricks (1617)
John Milton’s Frontispiece Prank
Curiosities from the Museum of Giovanni Carafa (1778)
The Spinning Sow (1673)
Images from the First Colour Publication on Fish (1754)
Rainbows in Art
The Human Alphabet
The Singerie: Monkeys acting as Humans in Art
The Difficulty of Ruling over a Diverse Nation (1578)
Shakespeare in Art
NYPL Release 187k Public Domain Images in Hi-Res
Illustrations from an Italian Book of Proverbs (1718)
Shells and other Marine Life from Albertus Seba’s Cabinet of Natural Curiosities (1734)
The Games and Pleasures of Childhood (1657)
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