Search The Public Domain Review
José Guadalupe Posada’s Engravings of Unusual Births (ca. 1880–1910)
A Very Tall Tale: Photograph of the Cardiff Giant (ca. 1869)
Raffaele Mainella’s Illustrations for Nos Invisibles (1907)
Signs and Wonders: Celestial Phenomena in 16th-Century Germany
Unidentified Floating Object: Edo Images of Utsuro-bune
In the Mind of Marie: A Haunting Encounter in the Gardens of Versailles (1913)
Frost Flowers on the Windows (1899)
Synaesthesia’s Colour Debut (1883)
The Discarnates: Thomas Carlyle in the Spirit-World (1920)
Fearful Symmetry: Inkblot Books (1857–1915)
“A Sword was Seen in the Sky”: A True and Wonderful Narrative (1763)
Earthen Messages: Nikola Tesla in his Laboratory (ca. 1899)
Hieroglyphics of a Rope-Dancer: The Book of Fate (1822)
Odd Showers (1870)
Imaging Inscape: The Human Soul (1913)
A Modest Apology for the Man in the Bottle (1749)
The Comet Book (1587)
Dream of a Rarebit Fiend (1906)
The Frog (1908)
Hypnotism Posters (ca. 1900)
Celestial Phenomenon Over Nuremberg, April 14th, 1561
Phenomena Over and Under the Earth (1878)
Harry Kellar’s Show Posters
The Art of Ornamental Orange Peeling (1910)
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