Search The Public Domain Review
William James on the Stream of Consciousness (1890)
Hieroglyphics of a Rope-Dancer: The Book of Fate (1822)
Resurrection on Repeat: Rules and Orders of the Humane Society (1787)
Reciting Pictures: Buddhist Texts for the Illiterate
Odd Showers (1870)
Clavis Artis by “Zoroaster”
Imaging Inscape: The Human Soul (1913)
Aspirated Aspirations: Alfred Leach’s The Letter H (1880)
William Baillie-Grohman’s Sport in Art (1913)
A Monster in the Heart: Edward May’s A Most Certaine and True Relation (1639)
A Modest Apology for the Man in the Bottle (1749)
A Treatise on Artificial Limbs (1899)
Albert Millican’s Travels and Adventures of an Orchid Hunter (1891)
Seeking Enlightenment: Denis Diderot’s Letter on the Blind (1749)
Joseph George Strutt’s Sylva Britannica (1830 edition)
On the Road: The Woman and the Car (1909)
On Sprezzatura: Baldassare Castiglione’s The Book of the Courtier (1903 edition)
The Universe as Pictured in Milton’s Paradise Lost (1915)
The Story of Napoleon’s Death Mask (1915)
French Silk Sample Book (ca. 1900)
The Music of the Waters: A Collection of Sea Shanties (1888)
Twenty-eight Years of Co-partnership at Guise (1908)
Thomas Wright’s An Original Theory or New Hypothesis of the Universe (1750)
Why Women Should Not Vote (1917)
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