Search The Public Domain Review
The Civil War Sketches of Adolph Metzner (1861–64)
On the Disposition of Iron in Variegated Strata (1868)
Émile-Antoine Bayard’s Illustrations for Around the Moon by Jules Verne (1870)
Illustrations from the Lights of Canopus (1847)
Kusakabe Kimbei’s Photographs of Late 19th-Century Japan
William Sharp’s Chromolithographs of The Great Water Lily (1854)
The Heart of Man; Either a Temple of God, or a Habitation of Satan; Represented in Ten Emblematical Figures (1851)
The Concealed Erotic Paintings of Sommonte (19th Century)
Geographical Fun: Being Humourous Outlines of Various Countries (1868)
Arcimboldo-esque Composite Portraits of Trades (ca. 1800)
Marcus Selmer’s Photographs of 19th-Century Norwegians
Yellow Journalism: The “Fake News” of the 19th Century
A Selection from The MET’s Public Domain Collection, Now Free from All Restrictions
W. E. B. Du Bois’ Hand-Drawn Infographics of African-American Life (1900)
The Trouvelot Astronomical Drawings (1882)
Rainbows in Art
The Human Alphabet
Painted Photograph of an Unknown Man (ca. 1855–70)
Illustrations from a Descriptive Iconography of Cacti (1841)
Phenakistoscopes (1833)
The Singerie: Monkeys acting as Humans in Art
Album of Seaweed Pictures (1848)
The Steps of Life
Hypnotism Posters (ca. 1900)
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