Search The Public Domain Review
Designs from Kimono Pattern Books (ca. 1902)
An Iconic Line: Claude Mellan’s The Sudarium of Saint Veronica (1649)
“When London is in Ruins”: Gustave Doré’s The New Zealander (1872)
Lithographs from M. E. Descourtilz’s Atlas des Champignons (1827)
The Ascent of Mont-Blanc (ca. 1855)
Adolf Schmidt’s Atlas der Diatomaceenkunde (1890)
700 Years of Dante’s Divine Comedy in Art
Figure/Ground: Alphonse Allais’ April Fools Album (1897)
Festooned: Martin Gerlach’s Decorative Groupings (1897)
Astronomia Playing Cards (1829)
John Singleton Copley’s Watson and the Shark (1778)
Solid Objects: 16th-Century Geometric and Perspective Drawings
Flowers of Fire: Illustrations from Japanese Fireworks Catalogues (ca. 1880s)
Lewis Carroll’s Illustrations for “Alice’s Adventures Under Ground” (1864)
Alien Aqueducts: The Maps of Martian Canals
Clouds of Unknowing: Edward Quin’s Historical Atlas (1830)
The Zodiac Man
Visualizing Migraines: The Attempts of Hubert Airy and Others to Depict Scintillating Scotomata
A Remembrance of Aerial Forms: Odilon Redon’s À Edgar Poe (1882)
Visualizing History: The Polish System
William Blake’s The Gates of Paradise (1787-93)
Images of Hatha Yoga from the Joga Pradīpikā (19th century)
Agostino Ramelli’s Theatre of Machines (1588)
A Book of Stone: Adam Wirsing’s Marmora (1776)
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